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A New Adventure

Is it a gift or a curse? I love keeping myself busy (in all my spare time LOL) with arts and crafts. My girls have definately inheirited that gene from me. One adores drawing and painting, another loves to create ANYTHING out of EVERYTHING! And the other two dabble in whatever it is everyone else is working on.

Recently, the girls approached me with wanting to earn some extra money by making “stuff.” Okay? What kind of stuff did they have in mind? The four of them, well mostly the three oldest, got together, talked and researched and then finally decided. They wanted to make candles, soy candles. They wanted to sell them in our store and online at

We sat together and made a list of what we needed to buy and picked out scents together. The supplies all arrived at the same time as an epidemic of strep throat. This past weekend, with the sickies behind us, we melted some wax.

And here is where you can find their results:

Grand Candles


They did good, didn’t they?